Trade Fairs Assistance
1. How does a new entrepreneur market the product?
This is an era of globalization and liberalization. The manufacturers have to offer goods and services of desired quality at optimum cost. Select the right market/consumers identified at the time of planning the unit. Establish Direct marketing channels or a network of dealers as per requirement of the product based upon initial survey. Highlight strengths of the product.
2. How does one popularise the new product?
You may create awareness among the buyers or consumers about your product's strong points in order to convince them of the utility of the product. Publicity in various available forms has to be arranged within the budgetary constraints. Sell your quality, to gain consumer's confidence. Review consumer feed back. Resort to live demonstration. MSME /NSIC help in popularising the product through domestic and international trade fairs/exhibitions.
3. Are there any specialized agencies which offer marketing assistance?
There are Governmental and non-governmental specialised agencies which provide marketing assistance. NSIC & KVIC are the devoted govt. agencies for providing marketing assistance to MSME units.
4. Is there any other assistance offered by NSIC for marketing MSME Product?
Besides promotion of MSME products through exhibitions, NSIC directly market the MSME produce in the domestic and overseas market. NSIC also manages a single point registration scheme for manufacturers for Govt. purchase. Units registered under this scheme get the benefits of free tender documents and exemption from earnest money deposit and performance guarantee.
5. Does any agency help in exhibition of the product?
MSME & NSIC help the micro, small and medium enterprises for exhibiting products of MSME in the domestic and international exhibition.
6. Does any agency help in promoting exports?
ITPO, DGFT, FIEO & Chambers of commerce in different countries Ministry of Commerce provide assistance in promoting exports. Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME), Government of India provides financial assistance to micro, small and medium scale entrepreneurs to display their products in overseas fairs and also for sales-cum-study tours abroad.
7. Are there any special benefits for exports?
MSME units gets special benefits such as duty draw back, advance licensing for import of capital goods and raw materials, pre- shipment and post shipment credit against firm export orders and marketing development assistance. Income tax benefit is available on exports earning.